The Collection
O u r W i n e s

The success of Domaine des Anges rests on a harmonious relationship between Irish owners and French professionals, which continues a centuries old tradition that has a special place in the history of winemaking in France.
Our wines are made from grapes grown on our vineyard and are matured – some for over 12 months in oak barrels, or terracotta amphorae – and bottled and labelled in our winery.
All our wines are called after classes of angels but, because our owner is an archangel, Gabriel, there isn’t a Lucifer among them. You could say that was a decision made in Heaven.
We enter some of our premium wines into competitions, usually Decanter Magazines World Wine Challenge, principally to test our standards, and do not expect to receive less than 75%. In relation to all our wines, and everything that we do, the pursuit of Better never ends.
Wines vary from year to year, but the generic notes provided for each wine on the following page are very accurate. But be sure that any wine of ours is made to achieve the highest possible standard, no matter what the year, or weather. We are proud of all of them. And they are made to exceed your expectations.
Enjoy! And do let us know what your experience was. If you require further information or are an importer interested in representing us, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Detailed notes have been prepared by Giles MacDonogh, historian, painter and wine writer, who, for fourteen years, chaired the German Jury at the World Wine Awards and for ten, chaired the Austrian Jury; but his heart was always in the Rhone Valley. To view, press on any bottle below.
Thank you for your interest.
Florent Chave,